----"Smart, funny, cute, and genuine ☺ Mature and thoughtful, but sometimes acts silly like a kid ☺ Guarantee sincerity ☺ Ballads, and the more simple the arrangement the better to my ears ☺ Signs of pathology, strange hideous growths, etc.☺ I think that probably made his day ☺ I made it through Friday the 13th without any major trouble…even opened an umbrella indoors to spite it. ☺ I had a checklist of the 4 Cs, and checked them all off. ☺ You've got a beautiful smile ☺ "New Directions." ☺ I think the perfect weather is when the sun feels good and warms you ☺ That's why I think it's kind of the perfect storm ☺ Did you see that? ☺ Love the image of you playing with the little guy in the waves with the fishes in the waves and him screaming with giggles ☺ There's this impressive railroad history in that area that has my interest ☺ You're like my new mustard, you know ☺ That was one sweet little pink uvula ☺ Dragon Ass? ☺ I am playing in the shit today."--------
The things you say...
I love you.
Internet hilariously reacts to tubular oriental shorthair feline being
majestically presented at a local cat competition: 'No bones here'
Hey friends and fellow cat lovers! Have you ever witnessed the sheer feline
fabulousness that is a cat competition? To be honest, we aren't too
familiar ...
2 hours ago